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Platforma trampoliny EXIT
Platforma trampoliny EXIT to dodatkowe akcesorium, które pomoże Ci bezpiecznie i bez wysiłku wejść na trampolinę na nogach. Stalowa platforma mocowana jest do trampoliny i ma dwa otwory, przez które można zawiesić drabinkę. Dzięki temu dostęp do trampoliny jest łatwy.
Platforma ma szeroki stopień z antypoślizgową fakturą, dzięki czemu dzieci mogą na nim bezpiecznie stanąć przed przejściem przez siatkę zabezpieczającą. Platforma wyposażona jest w drążki po obu stronach, co zapewnia dodatkowe bezpieczeństwo i stabilność. Wysokość można regulować w czterech różnych pozycjach, dzięki czemu platforma nadaje się do wszystkich trampolin EXIT na nogach, a także do wielu innych trampolin z wysokim stopniem.
From which materials do we manufacture the product?
Before using, the product first has to be assembled. The product is not delivered ready-to-use.
Is the product easy to assemble using a manual and does not require technical knowledge?
Does the product include a manual (including instructions for use) so you can assemble it yourself?
How long does it take to assemble the product?
From which age can this product be used safely?
Is the product resistant to weather influences, such as sunlight, rain, hail, snow and wind?
How long is the warranty on this product?
What is the maximum height of this product? This means the height from the ground up to the highest point of the product.
What is the maximum width of this product?
What is the maximum depth of this product?
What is the total weight of the product, including the packaging?
Is the trampoline platform universal? A universal platform can also be mounted to trampolines of other brands with similar measurements.
Can the trampoline platform be adjusted in different heights?
What is the maximum height of this product? Herewith we mean the height measured from the ground up until the highest point of the product.
Are handles included with the trampoline platform? Handles provide extra stability when entering a trampoline.
How will the trampoline platform be attached to the trampoline?
What is the maximum possible height of the trampoline platform handles? Herewith we mean the height measured from the step of the platform to the highest point of the handles.
Do the steps of the trampoline platform have an anti slip solution? Anti slip steps prevent you from slipping when the steps are wet.
What is the minimum possible diameter of the top rail of the trampoline to attach it to a trampoline platform? The EXIT trampoline platform fits on EXIT trampolines and on many other trampolines with a similar top rail. Is the diameter of your top rail between the minimum and maximum measurement, then the platform will fit onto your trampoline.
What is the maximum possible diameter of the top rail of the trampoline to attach it to a trampoline platform? The EXIT trampoline platform fits on EXIT trampolines and on many other trampolines with a similar top rail. Is the diameter of your rop rail between the minimum and maximum measurement, then it will fit onto your trampoline.
What is the recommended weight for safe use that this product can take?

- Platforma trampoliny (drabinka nie jest dołączona w zestawie)
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