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Spa Wood Deluxe EXIT (4 osoby) - ciemnoszare
Spa Wood Deluxe EXIT 204 x 65 cm to nadmuchiwane jacuzzi, które pozwoli Ci poczuć się naprawdę dobrze w Twoim własnym ogrodzie. Ciemnoszare spa wyposażone jest w pompę filtrującą, której można używać również do ogrzewania, osłonę dna oraz pokrywę izolacyjną. Wanna z hydromasażem jest na tyle przestronna, że zmieszczą się w niej cztery osoby. Zrelaksuj się całkowicie w gorącej wodzie i wspólnie cieszcie się bąbelkami. Łatwe wejście sprawia, że spa jest bardzo odpowiednie i świetnie nadaje się dla dzieci. Spa Wood Deluxe EXIT zamieni każdy ogród w raj!
Solidne i łatwe w użyciu
Zewnętrzna część jacuzzi Wood Deluxe EXIT jest ciemnoszara ze wzorem imitującym drewno, a wnętrze jest jasnoszare. To spa ma wyjątkowo wytrzymałe ściany wykonane z potrójnej warstwy PCV i piankę na dnie, co pozwala na niezwykle wygodne siedzenie. Ponadto, spa można błyskawicznie ustawić w swoim ogrodzie: pompa filtrująca ma funkcję nadmuchu, która pozwala napełnić spa powietrzem. A co gdy SPA EXIT nie jest używane? Wystarczy założyć na jacuzzi pokrywę izolacyjną z blokadą bezpieczeństwa, aby woda pozostała przyjemnie ciepła.
Zawiera wielofunkcyjną pompę filtrującą
Wanna spa Wood Deluxe EXIT jest praktycznie bezobsługowa dzięki wielofunkcyjnej pompie, która oczyszcza wodę i jednocześnie podgrzewa ją do maksymalnej temperatury 40 stopni Celsjusza. Dzięki temu możesz cieszyć się ciepłą wodą nawet w chłodniejsze dni. Cyfrowy panel sterowania umożliwia łatwe ustawienie temperatury i uruchomienie 140 dysz powietrza, które zapewniają wspaniałe bąbelki. Uzupełnij swoje spa EXIT o przydatne akcesoria, takie jak wygodny zagłówek i nastrojowe oświetlenie LED. Dlaczego nie zafundować sobie relaksującego przeżycia w spa Wood Deluxe marki EXIT Toys?
What is the shape of the pool?
Before using, the product first has to be assembled. The product is not delivered ready-to-use.
Is the product easy to assemble using a manual and does not require technical knowledge?
Does the product include a manual (including instructions for use) so you can assemble it yourself?
How long does it take to assemble the product?
From which age can this product be used safely?
Which quality marks does the product have and which European safety standards does it meet?
- EN: this product is approved according to a European safety standard. The figure after EN refers to the relevant European safety standard(s) used in testing this product.
- CE: this mark indicates that the product was designed and manufactured in compliance with the legal requirements regarding safety, health and the environment.
- GS: Geprüfte Sicherheit (GS) is an additional certificate and it means that the product meets the German standard – and if applicable also the European standard – for safe use.
- FSC: the FSC quality mark is proof that the wood for this product originates from a forest managed according to the international FSC standard for sustainable forest management.
- EXIT protokół: Sometimes there is no existing standard suitable for testing the product safety of our products. To meet the highest safety requirements, we have therefore developed our own EXIT test protocol in collaboration with an accredited testing institute to ensure the safety of our products.
Is the product resistant to weather influences, such as sunlight, rain, hail, snow and wind?
What is the maximum height of this product? This means the height from the ground up to the highest point of the product.
What is the maximum diameter of this product?
What is the total weight of the product, including the packaging?
What is the size of the swimming area? The size of the actual swimming area, so without pool or spa edge, legs, pump, ladder and possible pool dome.
What is the recommended (maximum) water depth?
How many liters of water will go into the pool or spa if it is 90% full? It is recommended to fill the pool or spa up to 90%.
How many adults will fit into the (whirl)pool at the same time? Two toddlers fit on the spot of one adult in the (whirl)pool.
Is the swimming pool or spa supplied including a filter pump? This pump filters dirt such as insects, leaves and sand out of the water and keeps the water clean.
Is the swimming pool or spa supplied with a cover? A cover protects the water against dirt from outside, such as leaves and branches. This way you keep the water clean if you do not use the pool or spa.
Is the heat pump included with the swimming pool or the spa? The heat pump of the EXIT swimming pool is connected to the filter pump of the swimming pool and this heat pump can heat the water up to 40 degrees. EXIT spas come with a filter pump that can also heat the water up to 40 degrees at the same time.
Is the swimming pool or the spa supplied with a maintenance kit? The EXIT maintenance kit is a complete cleaning set for your swimming pool or spa.
Is the pool or spa supplied include a chlorine dispenser? Chlorine dispensers make sure that chlorine is mixed into the water. Chlorine prevents growth of bacteria and fungi in the water.
Is the pool or the spa supplied include a ground cover? A ground cover keeps the bottom of the pool or the spa clean.
Which type of spa is this? EXIT Toys has two kinds of spa’s: inflatable spas and spas with insulated hard foam walls.
How thick are the walls of the spa including the liner?
How thick is the bottom of the spa including the liner?
What type of jets make bubbles in the spa?
How many jets can be activated in the spa?
What is the warranty period of the spa?
What is the colour of the outside of the swimming pool or spa liner?
What is the colour of the inside swimming pool or spa pool liner?
Of which material is the liner of the swimming pool or spa pool made? Our pools and spas are made with strong, triple layered pvc-walls. Pvc is durable, wear-resistant, and easy to clean. Polyester provides the soft surface of the liner, which avoids skin damage.
What is the thickness of the liner of the pool or spa?
What is the thickness of the bottom of the liner of the pool or spa?
Is the pool or the spa provided with a drain? A drain can be used to drain the water from the pool or the spa easily, it is similar to a bath plug.
Which type of pump is provided with the pool or the spa? Our swimming pools come with included filter pumps with cartridges and sand filter pumps. Filter pumps are economic, but require regular maintenance. Sand filter pumps require little maintenance, and purify the water even more. EXIT spas come with a cartridge filter pump which can heat up the water.
What is the required voltage of the provided pump?
How much energy does the pump use?
What is the IP code of the provided pump? The IP code shows if the pump is well-protected against outside moisture. A pump with an IP code 5 is water-resistant but not fully water-proof. Always make sure that large amounts of water do not enter the pump.
Is the pump provided include a pump hose? A pump hose is needed for the pump to work effectively. It should be connected to the pump. The water runs through the pump via the hose.
What is the diameter of the hose connection of the pump?
What is the length of the power cable of the pump?
What is the filter capacity of the filter pump? The minimum filter capacity that is necessary for your pool or spa is equal to a minimum of 1/6th of the content of the pool or spa.
How many cartridge filters are provided with the pump?
What are the measurements of the cartridge filters? Cartridges have different measurements, make sure that the correct cartridge is used when replacing them.
After how many days should the filter of the pump be replaced?
What warranty period is provided for the pump?
What are the measurements of the pump?
What is the level of noise measured in decibels from a distance of one meter?
What is the maximum amount of cubic meters of water that the pump can heat up ?
How can this product be operated? The pump has an integrated digital screen.
Up until how many degrees can the pump heat up the swimming pool or spa?
Starting from which outside temperature does the pump work?
Ten produkt jest dostępny w 2 kartonach o łącznej wadze 29.81 kilogramy.
- Nadmuchiwane ciemnoszare spa z szarym wnętrzem
- Wielofunkcyjna pompa filtrująca
- Pokrywa izolacyjna z blokadą bezpieczeństwa
- Osłona podłoża
Ten produkt dostarczany jest do Twojego domu przez firmę kurierską DPD. Gdy tylko zamówienie zostanie wysłane, wyślemy Ci wiadomość e-mail z linkiem do śledzenia przesyłki DPD, dzięki czemu będziesz mógł śledzić jej trasę. Możesz również zmnienić czas i adres dostawy.
Jeśli DPD nie może dostarczyć zamówienia, firma transportowa najpierw spróbuje dostarczyć je do jednego z Twoich sąsiadów. Jeśli to się nie powiedzie, paczkę można odebrać następnego dnia roboczego w najbliższym punkcie odbioru DPD. W takim przypadku firma przewozowa zostawi Ci notatkę z adresem, pod którym możesz odebrać przesyłkę.
Uwaga: zamówienie może składać się z kilku paczek, które w wyjątkowych przypadkach mogą nie zostać dostarczone tego samego dnia.
Uwaga: żaden z naszych produktów nie jest zmontowany, ale możesz łatwo zmontować go samodzielnie, korzystając z dołączonej instrukcji.
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