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Trampolina naziemna Dynamic EXIT 305x519cm z siatką zabezpieczającą - czarna
Trampolina ziemna Dynamic EXIT to prostokątna, najwyższej jakości trampolina w kolorze matowym czarnym, w całości umieszczona w ziemię. Ta wytrzymała trampolina wyposażona jest w siatkę zabezpieczającą, zapewniającą swobodne skoki. Długie sprężyny gwarantują mocne odbicie, dzięki czemu będziesz mógł dłużej unosić się w powietrzu i wykonywać najfajniejsze sztuczki. Przeżyj niesamowite przygody wysoko w powietrzu dzięki trampolinie Dynamic EXIT!
Bez ograniczeń
Odkryj niesamowitą jakość odbicia trampoliny Dynamic EXIT. Dzieci, które mają duże doświadczenie w skakaniu, mogą bez problemu doskonalić umiejętności, ponieważ trampolina ma podwójne, stożkowe sprężyny o długości 25 cm. Zapewnia to wyjątkowe wrażenia. Trampolina pozostaje także na swoim miejscu, nawet przy wykonywaniu najwyższych skoków, ponieważ niezwykle stabilna górna szyna ma grubość 42 mm. Dodatkowo jest ocynkowana i malowana proszkowo, co zapewnia optymalną ochronę przed czynnikami atmosferycznymi i rdzą. Dzięki trampolinie Dynamic EXIT będziesz mógł cieszyć się dobrą zabawą i skakaniem przez wiele lat.
Stylowy design
Trampolina Dynamic EXIT jest absolutną perełką kolekcji trampolin EXIT Toys. Luksusowy, matowy model w połączeniu z dopełniającymi detalami kolorystycznymi dodaje jej stylowego i nowoczesnego wyglądu. Zaletą trampoliny montowanej na poziomie ziemi jest to, że jej wypełnienie znajduje się na tym samym poziomie co trawa, dzięki czemu trampolina idealnie wtapia się w resztę ogrodu. Dynamic EXIT to trampolina z klasą!
Optymalne bezpieczeństwo
Przy tak wysokich skokach priorytetem jest oczywiście bezpieczeństwo. Oprócz tego, że trampolina jest umieszczona w ziemi, dodatkową ochronę gwarantuje siatka zabezpieczająca z zachodzącymi drzwiami. Dwa pierścienie z włókna szklanego gwarantują, że siatka zawsze będzie mocno naciągnięta, a słupki są wyposażone w ochronną warstwę pianki. Chcesz cieszyć się beztroską zabawą i skakaniem? W takim razie wybierz trampolinę Dynamic EXIT z siatką zabezpieczającą!
For what uses are outdoor playing equipment suitable?
- Domestic use: our outdoor playing equipment meets all safety standards for domestic use, which makes them suitable for use in the garden.
- Public use: our outdoor playing equipment meets all safety standards for public use, which makes it suitable for (semi) public areas such as schools, institutions, societies, playgrounds and camping grounds.
- Domestic and public use: our outdoor playing equipment meets all safety standards for both domestic and public use, which makes it suitable for private gardens, and for (semi) public areas such as schools, institutions, societies, playgrounds and camping grounds.
What is the shape of the trampoline? Round trampolines are very suitable for children, because when bouncing they automatically land in the middle. Rectangular trampolines take up less space and are suitable for more experienced jumpers (adults). Oval trampolines combine the features of the round and rectangular trampolines.
Before using, the product first has to be assembled. The product is not delivered ready-to-use.
Is the product easy to assemble using a manual and does not require technical knowledge?
Does the product include a manual (including instructions for use) so you can assemble it yourself?
How long does it take to assemble the product?
From which age can this product be used safely?
Which quality marks does the product have and which European safety standards does it meet?
- EN: this product is approved according to a European safety standard. The figure after EN refers to the relevant European safety standard(s) used in testing this product.
- CE: this mark indicates that the product was designed and manufactured in compliance with the legal requirements regarding safety, health and the environment.
- GS: Geprüfte Sicherheit (GS) is an additional certificate and it means that the product meets the German standard – and if applicable also the European standard – for safe use.
- FSC: the FSC quality mark is proof that the wood for this product originates from a forest managed according to the international FSC standard for sustainable forest management.
- EXIT protokół: Sometimes there is no existing standard suitable for testing the product safety of our products. To meet the highest safety requirements, we have therefore developed our own EXIT test protocol in collaboration with an accredited testing institute to ensure the safety of our products.
Który uznany instytut testowy przetestował ten produkt pod kątem bezpieczeństwa?
Is the product resistant to weather influences, such as sunlight, rain, hail, snow and wind?
What is the bounce rate of this trampoline? The quality of the bounce of a trampoline is determined by the age of the children and the length of the springs. Young children will have the most fun on a trampoline with a bronze rating. These trampolines have short springs which makes it is easier for them to lift off. The older children experience greater fun and jumps on a trampoline with larger springs. On a trampoline with a golden rating they will make the highest jumps.
What is the quality level of this trampoline? The quality level of the trampoline is determined by the sturdiness of the frame, the thickness of the padding and how well the safety net has been finished off. The higher the trampoline scores on these parts, the better the quality
What is the maximum length of this product?
What is the maximum height of this product? This means the height from the ground up to the highest point of the product.
What is the maximum width of this product?
What is the total weight of the product, including the packaging?
Is the trampoline supplied including the safety net? A safety net prevents children from landing outside of the trampoline.
Is the trampoline supplied including a ladder?
Is the trampoline supplied including a shoe bag? You can store your shoes here when you are jumping.
Is the trampoline supplied including a spring hook? The spring hook is handy for tightening the trampoline and preventing any injuries to your hands.
Is the trampoline supplied including protective cover? The cover protects the trampoline against weather influences, such as rain and snow, as well as from outdoor influences, such as leaves and bird droppings.
Is the trampoline supplied including a frame net? A frame net around the legs/supports of the trampoline prevents children, pets and objects from getting under the trampoline.
What is the colour of the jumping mat?
Which material is the jumping mat made from?
What is the diameter of the jumping mat? The diameter of the actual jumping surface, without the padding.
How long is the warranty on the jumping mat?
What sort of springs are used to connect the jumping mat to the trampoline frame? Double-conical springs are stronger and more durable than conical springs and they stretch less.
How many springs are used to connect the jumping mat to the trampoline frame?
What is the length of the springs that connect the jumping mat to the trampoline frame?
How are the trampoline springs finished? Galvanised springs do not rust.
How long is the warranty on the springs?
How wide is the padding surrounding the trampoline?
Is the padding filled with a foam layer?
Which material is used to fill the padding? EPE is a type of foam that breathes, protects well against falling and prevents water absorption.
What is the thickness of the padding filling?
What is the material and the thickness of the top side of the cover around the padding of the trampoline?
What is the material and the thickness of the bottom side of the cover around the padding of the trampoline?
How long is the warranty on the trampoline padding?
What is the colour of the frame?
Which material is the trampoline frame made from?
How is the frame finished? A galvanised frame protects against scratches, weather influences and rust. A powder-coated frame provides an extra layer for additional durability.
How many legs/supports are there under the trampoline? A W-shaped or U-shaped frame part counts as 1 leg.
What types of connections are used to connect the various parts of the trampoline frame?
What is the diameter and thickness of the rod of the trampoline legs/supports?
What is the diameter and thickness of the rod of the top rail?
What is the height of the trampoline frame (therefore of the jumping mat)?
What is the diameter or the dimensions of the safety net?
What is the height of the safety net?
With how many glass fiberrings is the net stretched? Glass fiberrings provide a nice tightly stretched net. The single glass fiberring is at the top of the net, with two glass fiberrings both the top and bottom of the net have a glass fiberring, which ensures that the net is extra well stretched.
What kind of closure is in the safety net? A zipper is used to close the safety net well. Obviously, children should not forget to close the net after they step unto the trampoline. An overlapping flap always closes the safety net. While bouncing, children should not have to think about anything.
Which material is the safety net made of?
What is the diameter and thickness of safety net pole?
How many poles are used to attach the safety net to the trampoline?
Are the poles of the safety net protected with soft material?
What type of foam is used around the poles of the safetynet? The soft base foam ensures that you can not hurt yourself on the poles. The XPE foam is besides that extra thick and of a absolute top quality.
How long is the warranty on the safety net?
What is the recommended weight for safe use that this product can take?
What is the maximum weight used for testing a trampoline – before it gets broken? This is usually up to 5 times the maximum user weight.
Is there marking that shows the middle of the jumping mat? A marking in the middle makes it easier for users to bounce in the middle of the trampoline and not at the edges.
Does this product include an anchoring set so that you can anchor it into the ground?
How many ground anchors are supplied with this product?
Ten produkt jest dostępny w 5 kartonach o łącznej wadze 233.5 kilogramy.
- Mata do skakania
- Czarne wypełnienie
- Rama ocynkowana z powłoką proszkową
- 96 ocynkowanych sprężyn o długości 25 cm
- Siatka zabezpieczająca z zachodzącymi na siebie drzwiami
- Hak sprężynowy
Ten produkt jest za duży i zbyt ciężki, aby wysłać go standardową przesyłką kurierską. Dlatego korzystamy z usług specjalistycznego transportu firmy Dachser. Zanim dostarczymy Twoje zamówienie, Dachser najpierw umówi się z Tobą na dogodny dla Ciebie termin dostawy. Nastąpi to w ciągu 1 - 3 dni roboczych od momentu złożenia zamówienia. O umówionej porze Dachser przyjeżdża z paletą w celu rozładunku zamówienia. Musisz być w domu, kiedy przesyłka zostanie dostarczona, a kierowca na miejscu zdecyduje, czy może rozładować przesyłkę w wybranym przez Ciebie miejscu.
Uwaga: żaden z naszych produktów nie jest zmontowany, ale możesz łatwo zmontować go samodzielnie, korzystając z dołączonej instrukcji.

Przedłuża żywotność
Łatwy montaż za pomocą kotew

Pasuje do drążków o średnicy 25-38 mm