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Basen Stone EXIT ø427x122cm z pompą z filtrem piaskowym, kopułą i pompą ciepła - szary
Basen Stone EXIT o wymiarach 427 x 122 cm to okrągły basen z ramą w kolorze szarym i kopułą. Basen standardowo wyposażony jest w pompę z filtrem piaskowym, pompę ciepła i drabinkę, dzięki której można bezpiecznie wchodzić i wychodzić z basenu. Duża średnica basenu zapewnia wystarczająco dużo miejsca, aby zrelaksować się na pięknym, unoszącym się materacu. A może wolałbyś pływać pod wodą? Basen Stone EXIT ma głębokość 122 centymetrów, co pozwala na swobodne nurkowanie. Z basenem ramowym EXIT Toys na pewno przeżyjesz najlepsze przygody we własnym ogrodzie!
Świetny basen do ogrodu
Basen Stone wyróżnia się nowoczesnym i surowym wzorem z kamieni po bokach i stanowi wyróżniający się element ogrodu. Wnętrze basenu jest niebieskie, co pozwala poczuć wrażenie świeżości. Basen EXIT wyposażony jest w solidne, 3-warstwowe ściany wykonane z PVC i poliestru. Okrągły kształt basenu sprawia, że jest on przyjemny i przytulny, a także zapewnia wystarczająco dużo miejsca dla kilku osób, dzięki czemu można cieszyć się wspólnie spędzonymi chwilami. Odkryj, kto potrafi przepłynąć najwięcej długości basenu najszybciej, zrelaksujcie się razem na materacu lub zanurkujcie, aby zebrać zabawki z dna basenu. Krótko mówiąc: dzięki okrągłym basenom EXIT Toys nie zaznasz ani chwili nudy.
Basen wielofunkcyjny z kopułą
Dzięki kopule do basenu EXIT nie musisz już polegać na prognozach pogody. Kopuła chroni wodę przed brudem i jednocześnie stanowi ekologiczne rozwiązanie podgrzewania wody, gdyż ciepło słoneczne jest zatrzymywane pod nią. Kopułę można łatwo otworzyć dzięki unikalnemu mechanizmowi zawiasów, a ponieważ jest przezroczysta, nadal możesz obserwować, co dzieje się na zewnątrz basenu. Dzięki kopułom do basenów EXIT Toys możesz cieszyć się pływaniem bez względu na pogodę!
Wysokiej jakości akcesoria do basenu
W zestawie z basenem EXIT Stone znajdują się różne akcesoria. Na przykład pompa z filtrem piaskowym usuwa z basenu nawet najmniejsze cząsteczki, pompując wodę z dużą siłą przez filtr. Dzięki temu w filtrze pozostają takie zanieczyszczenia jak piasek, owady czy glony. A dołączona pompa ciepła naprawdę dopełnia całości. Pompa ciepła jest połączona z pompą z filtrem piaskowym i może ogrzać basen do 40 stopni. Wysokiej jakości pompa filtrująca i kompaktowa pompa ciepła to cenne dodatki do Twojego basenu, które pozwolą na wiele godzin zabawy w wodzie już od początku sezonu.
Stabilny i wytrzymały!
Przekonaj się, jak wytrzymały może być okrągły basen naziemny: malowana proszkowo stalowa rama i solidne nogi basenu Stone EXIT sprawiają, że basen zawsze pozostaje stabilny i posłuży przez lata. Czas na orzeźwiającą kąpiel w Twoim własnym basenie EXIT w ogrodzie!
Wskazówka EXIT: Do dodatkowego czyszczenia zaleca się stosowanie tabletek z chlorem.
What is the maximum depth of this product?
What is the shape of the pool?
Before using, the product first has to be assembled. The product is not delivered ready-to-use.
Is the product easy to assemble using a manual and does not require technical knowledge?
Does the product include a manual (including instructions for use) so you can assemble it yourself?
How long does it take to assemble the product?
From which age can this product be used safely?
Which quality marks does the product have and which European safety standards does it meet?
- EN: this product is approved according to a European safety standard. The figure after EN refers to the relevant European safety standard(s) used in testing this product.
- CE: this mark indicates that the product was designed and manufactured in compliance with the legal requirements regarding safety, health and the environment.
- GS: Geprüfte Sicherheit (GS) is an additional certificate and it means that the product meets the German standard – and if applicable also the European standard – for safe use.
- FSC: the FSC quality mark is proof that the wood for this product originates from a forest managed according to the international FSC standard for sustainable forest management.
- EXIT protokół: Sometimes there is no existing standard suitable for testing the product safety of our products. To meet the highest safety requirements, we have therefore developed our own EXIT test protocol in collaboration with an accredited testing institute to ensure the safety of our products.
Który uznany instytut testowy przetestował ten produkt pod kątem bezpieczeństwa?
Is the product resistant to weather influences, such as sunlight, rain, hail, snow and wind?
What is the maximum height of this product? This means the height from the ground up to the highest point of the product.
What is the maximum diameter of this product?
What is the total weight of the product, including the packaging?
What is the size of the swimming area? The size of the actual swimming area, so without pool or spa edge, legs, pump, ladder and possible pool dome.
What is the recommended (maximum) water depth?
How many liters of water will go into the pool or spa if it is 90% full? It is recommended to fill the pool or spa up to 90%.
How many adults will fit into the (whirl)pool at the same time? Two toddlers fit on the spot of one adult in the (whirl)pool.
Is the swimming pool or spa supplied including a filter pump? This pump filters dirt such as insects, leaves and sand out of the water and keeps the water clean.
Does the swimming pool come with filter material? This depends on the filter pump that is included. An EXIT cartridge filter pump is standardly provided with 1 cartridge in the pump. An EXIT sand filter pump is provided without filter material, except when you buy the sand filter pump in combination with an EXIT swimming pool that includes an accessory set. With the EXIT swimming pool that includes an accessory set you receive filter wadding with your pump.
Is the swimming pool or spa supplied with a cover? A cover protects the water against dirt from outside, such as leaves and branches. This way you keep the water clean if you do not use the pool or spa.
Will the swimming pool be supplied including a dome? The advantages of an EXIT swimming pool dome:
- A clean swimming pool
- You have to clean the water less often
- Extra sustainable: the water is naturally heated by solar heat
- Weather or no weather: you can always swim!
- Fold in an instant if you want to enjoy the sun
Is the canopy included with the swimming pool? The EXIT Toys canopy offers optimal protection from the sun. The canopy allows you to create part of full shade in your swimming pool in no time, so that even when the sun is out you can enjoy carefree swimming.
Is the heat pump included with the swimming pool or the spa? The heat pump of the EXIT swimming pool is connected to the filter pump of the swimming pool and this heat pump can heat the water up to 40 degrees. EXIT spas come with a filter pump that can also heat the water up to 40 degrees at the same time.
Is the swimming pool supplied with a ladder? A ladder ensures that you can safely get in and out of the pool, even without damaging the pool.
Is the swimming pool supplied with test strips? If you want to know if the water is clean and hygienic, you can check this by using test strips.
Is the swimming pool or the spa supplied with a maintenance kit? The EXIT maintenance kit is a complete cleaning set for your swimming pool or spa.
Is the pool or spa supplied include a chlorine dispenser? Chlorine dispensers make sure that chlorine is mixed into the water. Chlorine prevents growth of bacteria and fungi in the water.
Is the pool or the spa supplied include a ground cover? A ground cover keeps the bottom of the pool or the spa clean.
Is the pool provided include a repair kit for the liner?
What is the colour of the frame of the pool?
Which material is the pool frame made from?
What is finishing of the frame? A galvanised frame is protected against scratches, weather conditions, and rust. A powder coated frame has an extra protective layer on top of that and is even more durable.
What is the diameter and thickness of the rod of the top rail?
How many legs does the frame of the pool have?
What is the diameter of the pipe of the legs of the pool?
How long is the warranty on damage to the frame?
What is the colour of the outside of the swimming pool or spa liner?
Of which material is the liner of the swimming pool or spa pool made? Our pools and spas are made with strong, triple layered pvc-walls. Pvc is durable, wear-resistant, and easy to clean. Polyester provides the soft surface of the liner, which avoids skin damage.
What is the thickness of the liner of the pool or spa?
What is the thickness of the bottom of the liner of the pool or spa?
Is the pool or the spa provided with a drain? A drain can be used to drain the water from the pool or the spa easily, it is similar to a bath plug.
How long is the warranty for breakage of the liner?
Which type of pump is provided with the pool or the spa? Our swimming pools come with included filter pumps with cartridges and sand filter pumps. Filter pumps are economic, but require regular maintenance. Sand filter pumps require little maintenance, and purify the water even more. EXIT spas come with a cartridge filter pump which can heat up the water.
What is the required voltage of the provided pump?
How much energy does the pump use?
What is the IP code of the provided pump? The IP code shows if the pump is well-protected against outside moisture. A pump with an IP code 5 is water-resistant but not fully water-proof. Always make sure that large amounts of water do not enter the pump.
Is the pump provided include a pump hose? A pump hose is needed for the pump to work effectively. It should be connected to the pump. The water runs through the pump via the hose.
What is the diameter of the hose connection of the pump?
What is the length of the power cable of the pump?
What is the filter capacity of the filter pump? The minimum filter capacity that is necessary for your pool or spa is equal to a minimum of 1/6th of the content of the pool or spa.
Which type of sand is used for the sand filter pump? Make sure that the right type of sand is used. The sand from the filter pump should be replaced every 180 days.
What is the diameter of the grains of sand that is used for the sand filter pump?
What is the maximum weight of sand allowed in the sand filter pump?
After how many days should the filter of the pump be replaced?
What warranty period is provided for the pump?
What are the measurements of the pump?
What is the voltage of the included heat pump of the swimming pool?
How much power does the heat pump consume?
Which IP code does the included heat pump have? The IP-code shows whether the heat pump is protected against moisture coming in from outside. A pump with an IP-code 5 is well protected against water, but is not entirely waterproof. Always check that there is not too much water on the pump.
Is the heat pump easy to connect with the use of a manual, also without any technical knowledge?
What is the level of noise measured in decibels from a distance of one meter?
What is the diameter of the hose connection of the heat pump?
What is the maximum amount of cubic meters of water that the pump can heat up ?
How can this product be operated? The pump has an integrated digital screen.
What is the COP-value of the heat pump? This value shows the ratio between the energy used by the heat pump and the amount of heat it produces. The higher the value, the less energy the pump needs to heat up the water.
Up until how many degrees can the pump heat up the swimming pool or spa?
Starting from which outside temperature does the pump work?
What is the filter capacity of the heat pump? This refers to the minimal filter capacity of the filter pump that the heat pump needs to work.
What is the warranty period of the heat pump?
What are the maximum measurements of the pool dome?
Which material is used for the frame of the pool dome?
What colour is the frame of the dome?
What is the diameter (and thickness) of the frame of the pool dome?
Which type of finishing is used for the dome frame? A galvanised and powder coated frame is protected against scratches, weather conditions, and rust. The powder coated layer provides extra durability on top of that.
What kind of hinge does the sunroof have? Sunroofs with a special sunroof hinge are easy to open by hand. Does the sunroof have a special hinge with support? By means of supporting gas pressure springs the sunroof will easily open and close.
What is the warranty period of the frame?
What is the colour of the canvas of the sunroof?
Which material is the canvas of the sunroof made of ?
What is the thickness of the sheet of the pool dome?
What is the warranty period of the sunroof?
What are the maximum measurements of the ladder of the pool?
Which type of material is used for the ladder of the pool?
Which material is the pool ladder made of?
What is the colour of the ladder of the pool?
Is the provided pool ladder foldable?
Is the ladder provided with the pool child friendly? Children may enter the pool safely with the ladder. The ladder has a handrail that allows children to hold on to, and the steps are provided with an anti slip surface, which prevents them from slipping on wet steps. Because the ladder can easily be folded from the outside, one can control when children are able to access the pool.
Are the steps of the pool ladder provided with an anti slip surface? Anti slip steps prevent one from slipping when the steps are wet.
What is the minimum pool height for the ladder to be used?
What is the maximum pool height for the ladder to be used?
How many steps does the ladder have?
What is the recommended weight that the steps of the ladder can hold for safe use?
What is the warranty period provided for the ladder?
Ten produkt jest dostępny w 7 kartonach o łącznej wadze 127.95 kilogramy.
- Czarny stalowy basen ramowy 427 x 122 cm
- Szara wkładka ze świetnym wzorem kamienia
- Kopuła do basenu śr. 447 cm
- Pompa z filtrem piaskowym (materiał filtrujący nie jest dołączony)
- Pompa ciepła
- Drabinka
- Zestaw naprawczy do wkładki
Chcesz uzyskać więcej informacji? Zobacz często zadawane pytania na temat tego produktu
Ten produkt jest za duży i zbyt ciężki, aby wysłać go standardową przesyłką kurierską. Dlatego korzystamy z usług specjalistycznego transportu firmy Dachser. Zanim dostarczymy Twoje zamówienie, Dachser najpierw umówi się z Tobą na dogodny dla Ciebie termin dostawy. Nastąpi to w ciągu 1 - 3 dni roboczych od momentu złożenia zamówienia. O umówionej porze Dachser przyjeżdża z paletą w celu rozładunku zamówienia. Musisz być w domu, kiedy przesyłka zostanie dostarczona, a kierowca na miejscu zdecyduje, czy może rozładować przesyłkę w wybranym przez Ciebie miejscu.
Uwaga: żaden z naszych produktów nie jest zmontowany, ale możesz łatwo zmontować go samodzielnie, korzystając z dołączonej instrukcji.

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