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Kosz do trampoliny EXIT (śr. 25-38mm) - zielony/czarny
Zielono-czarny kosz do trampoliny EXIT sprawia, że skakanie na trampolinie jest jeszcze przyjemniejsze. Kosz do trampoliny można łatwo zamontować na jednym ze słupków siatki zabezpieczającej o średnicy od 25 do 38 milimetrów. Kosz do trampoliny EXIT Toys jest dostarczany z miękką piłką z pianki. Ćwicz najfajniejsze ruchy i rzucanie z koszem do trampoliny EXIT!
From which materials do we manufacture the product?
Before using, the product first has to be assembled. The product is not delivered ready-to-use.
Is the product easy to assemble using a manual and does not require technical knowledge?
Does the product include a manual (including instructions for use) so you can assemble it yourself?
How long does it take to assemble the product?
From which age can this product be used safely?
Which quality marks does the product have and which European safety standards does it meet?
- EN: this product is approved according to a European safety standard. The figure after EN refers to the relevant European safety standard(s) used in testing this product.
- CE: this mark indicates that the product was designed and manufactured in compliance with the legal requirements regarding safety, health and the environment.
- GS: Geprüfte Sicherheit (GS) is an additional certificate and it means that the product meets the German standard – and if applicable also the European standard – for safe use.
- FSC: the FSC quality mark is proof that the wood for this product originates from a forest managed according to the international FSC standard for sustainable forest management.
- EXIT protokół: Sometimes there is no existing standard suitable for testing the product safety of our products. To meet the highest safety requirements, we have therefore developed our own EXIT test protocol in collaboration with an accredited testing institute to ensure the safety of our products.
Który uznany instytut testowy przetestował ten produkt pod kątem bezpieczeństwa?
Is the product resistant to weather influences, such as sunlight, rain, hail, snow and wind?
How long is the warranty on this product?
What is the maximum height of this product? This means the height from the ground up to the highest point of the product.
What is the maximum width of this product?
What is the maximum depth of this product?
What is the minimum diameter of the post where the trampoline basket can be attached?
What is the maximum diameter of the post where the trampoline basket can be attached?
What is the total weight of the product, including the packaging?
What is the diameter and thickness of the basket hoop?

- Kosz do trampoliny (śr. 25-38 mm)
- Mała piłka piankowa